Set photophore bleu, socle et bougie pilier
Discover our new collection of recycled candle glass jars. Custom-designed to protect our thin or classic candles and their candle holders. Now, cozy evenings by the glow of your candle flame can take place both indoor and outdoor. Transparent, stained, or wavy glass to delight every dinner.
Set of glass jar, base and candle
Set of wavy jar, candle and disc
Set of candle jar, brass disc and candle
Wavy glass candle jar
Candle jar in recycled glass
Brass Disc
Height 30cm - Diameter 5 cm
Height 34.5 cm - Diameter 7 cm
Candle jar in recycled glass
Candle jar in recycled glass
Height 40 cm - Diameter 10cm
Diameter 16cm - Height 4cm
Diameter 16cm - Height 4cm
Set of 3 wooden candleholders NATURAL
Extra-long matches
Set of 20 fine candles
Two scented candles Laüsa 200 and 600gr
Height 3cm - Width 6.3cm - Sold individually
Candle duo
10 thin candles
Two gold candleholders for classic candles